How to Grind & Bust Your Flower. Six Ways.

Ever been in that situation where you need to shred your weed but find yourself without a shredder? Fortunately, there are many different ways to grind weed. Whether you’re planning to roll a joint, pack a joint or just want to grind your weed before hitting the bong, these methods can always help.

Some of these methods are better than others and it’s hard to beat a good old-fashioned weed grinder. However, when the occasion calls for it, they can really come out of the clutch. Here are six of the best ways to grind weed.

Weed Grinder

The first and also the best method is to use a designated weed grinder. You can find them at all tobacco stores and head shops and they usually don’t cost much. All you need to do is pack your weed in them, seal and grind them, and you’re left with some finely ground cannabis to roll.

Crushers come in many different shapes and sizes. You can get a cheap grinder to fit right in your pocket, so you can take it anywhere. You can also get bigger, more technical grinders with more features. For example, some grinders collect your weed scarf so you can reuse it.

It’s hard to beat the classic method of using a grinder. It’s fast, convenient, and designed specifically for grinding your weed in a hurry. Use this if you can.

Keeping it Simple with Your Hands

If you have a bag of weed but don’t have a grinder handy, sometimes you can just use your fingers. Separating the weed by hand may take a little longer, and the end result will not be as finely ground, but when desperate times call for desperate measures, this method can come in handy.

Grinding the weed by hand can be helpful if you are smoking from a pipe or a pipe. You don’t need to finely grind the cannabis for this – just plucking a bud off your weed and placing it in the bowl can work just as well. However, when it comes to curling, this method will not be as helpful.

Of course, the advantage of this method is that anyone can do it and doesn’t need any extra equipment. But of all the methods on this list, this one is the least effective if you want your weed to be properly shredded.

Coffee grinder

Weed grinders aren’t the only type of grinders you can use. In fact, you can also grind weeds using a classic coffee grinder. Although these are designed to grind coffee beans, you can put your weed and grind it, and it actually works surprisingly well.

Just pack your weed and grind it the same way you would coffee. You will have some fine and pleasant grass to roll. It’s quick and simple and gives you some good quality ground weed.

However, there are some drawbacks to this method. Getting all the weeds out of the mill can be tricky. Also, if you are used to using it for coffee, you can mix some with your weed. Your coffee grinder will also end up with a lot of wipes that are hard to get out.


Another simple way to grind your weed is using scissors. Any type of scissors can really work, but the thinner the better. It’s a slower method and may not end up with the best quality ground weed, but it’s easy enough for anyone and most people have shears lying around.

You’ll want to put something under your weed so you can pick it up without losing any. You may also want to cut some parts off a couple of times to finish off finer weeds. It can be a little tedious, but it’s a decent enough way to cut your weed.

The advantage of this is that all you need is a household item and you can decide how finely you want to grind your weed. The downside is that it’s not as quick and convenient as other methods and it’s difficult to cut it as finely as a grinder would.

Mortar & Pestle

If you want a traditional method, try using a pestle and mortar. The pestle and mortar is the oldest kitchen appliance in the world, but it is still used today to help finely grind herbs and spices. That’s not all either – it can also be used to crush your weed.

Just put your herb in the mortar and you can crush it with the pestle. It doesn’t take long and can actually grind your weed really well. It is also easy to take off the finished product.

It’s a pretty old-fashioned method, but it can work quite well. The weed you end up grinding may not be as good as it would be with a grinder, but it is an interesting and surprisingly effective way to grind weed.


Last, and most likely the least, is the use of a mixer. Just like mixing fruit into a smoothie or mixing ingredients for pancake mix, you can technically use a mixer to grind weeds. That said, it’s far from the best method.

A mixer will grind your weed extremely quickly. But mixers are usually over the top when it comes to grinding weeds. You will often end up with your grass being too finely ground and it will be more difficult to remove the excess scarf. That said, it can be useful if you want to prepare finely ground herb to cook in cannabis butter.

It is best to avoid this method unless you have no other option. However, if using a mixer, use it on a low setting so you don’t break up the weed too much.

No matter where you are and what you have available, there are always ways to crush weeds. Whether you use tools like a coffee blender or grinder or end up in heat and have to use your fingers or scissors, you can always cut your weed to roll into a joint. If you want to avoid grinding altogether, you can always just buy top quality pre-rolled joints.

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